It’s All About Plating

Plating is one of our specialties at Asterion. It’s a big deal for our manufacturing clients and is often the most important part of their production process. Are you aware of all the different ways metal can be plated onto different media? There are also many different plating solutions for each unique and custom parts manufacturing job. Here are a few of our favorite posts on various plating methods and outcomes:

Hard Chrome Plating

The process of hard chrome plating has been used since the early part of the 20th century. It is a process that is used in nearly every aspect of manufacturing where wear resistance and lubricity are critical. Standard Chromic acid or sulfate processes are used widely today. This process has a typical cathode efficiency of 10% to 12%. In other words for every 100 amps supplied only 10% to 12% of that current is actually depositing chromium at the cathode surface. 

Functional Zinc Plating

Electrodeposited zinc is used for coating iron and steel parts when protection from the corrosive effects of the atmosphere is the primary goal.  Zinc however by itself, while offering sacrificial corrosion protection based upon its larger negative electro-potential than iron, is not used without subsequent treatment. Electroplated zinc becomes dull gray after exposure to air. Bright zinc is given a subsequent post treatment in a conversion coating which most often contains either hexavalent or trivalent chrome.

Ratios in Metal Plating

3 common, “rule of thumb” ratios our plating experts come across regularly in metal plating deal with bright acid tin, spray washing, and high metal alkaline zinc.  This article briefly discusses each rule and offers suggestions based on real life scenarios to determine if they are “rules,” helpful suggestions, or flat out myths.